Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Galactic Tornado!

This one was fun to draw but a pain to colour...i need a cintiq screen and i have to read some tutorials because this was ridiculously time-consuming.


Anonymous said...

Good job buddy!! Now get some rest!

tom jolliffe said...

nice man! you're coloring is shaping up...i bought street fighter by the way...i can't really get into solo, so i have resolved to just get really good at gyu(ryu) and do cheap moves....

Brian Evinou said...

Looking good Louers! Welcome back to Blogging. Its a very nice drawing my friend.

Anonymous said...

Hey Louis, if you're hating colouring with a mouse, but maybe don't want to dish out the $$$ for a cintiq, you should get a tablet. I recommend the intuos series by wacom. Very good experience colouring on a tablet, not like a cintiq, but miles above a mouse.
